11:00 PM Comment0 Comments

This is my blog. It is now daily. I had no time to write today. So I am Writing this blog about my writer's block. It makes me sad. My old teacher would tell me I have "It"itis and would diagnose me with short sentences. He was weird like that. Everyone hated him but I liked him. He sang songs to the class. Like the one about eating worms. And to emphasize the point of indenting new paragraphs he hit a hammer against a can on the chalkboard which he called the "can of indentation." He had an unconventional teaching style. From his comedy, to the way he threw furniture at students when he had fits of rage. Once an idiotic student sprayed yogurt all over the room by hitting a yogurt tube against his desk, this was a desk-throwing moment. I had a good day, it was filled with goodies. And new people. And cleaning a bombshell of a garage. Never again, never again. That is without TNT in one hand and a lit match in the other.


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